dbt core

Configure dbt core collector with Elementary for Snowflake


In this tutorial, we'll guide you through the essential steps to effectively set up and configure the dbt collector with Elementary data for Snowflake. This involves establishing connections to the Snowflake table used by Elementary to log the dbt artifacts, and configuring the collector, to ensure you can monitor, collect, and analyze the operations and impacts of your dbt models.

You will need to go through 2 steps: 1. Set Up Snowflake Connection to the Elementary table (Estimated Task Time: 3 minutes) 2. Configuration of the dbt core Collector (Estimated Task Time: 1 minute)


Before you begin configuring the collector for dbt core collector with Elementary for Snowflake, ensure you have the following:

  • A Snowflake account with administrator access or specific roles granted the necessary permissions to access Elementary artifact table.


Setting Up the Connection

The first step consist in creating a Snowflake connection with the account credentials mentioned in the prerequistes.

1. Navigate to your Kensu Hub URL

2. Within the Data Applications Collectors, locate the dbt core one and click on configure.

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3. Under the Dependencies section, click on the Configure button in the dbt_core_elementary_snowflake cell

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4. Look for the + icon. Clicking on this icon will open a form where you can enter the details for your new Snowflake connection.

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5. Now, you'll need to fill out the form with specific information about your Snowflake account. Here's what you'll need:

  • Account: This is your Snowflake account ID, which uniquely identifies your Snowflake environment.
  • conn_id: A unique ID for your connection.
  • Database: The name of the database you wish to connect.
  • Login: Your Snowflake login credentials (username).
  • Password: Your Snowflake account password.
  • Role: The user role that you'll be using in Snowflake.
  • Schema: The schema within the database you're connecting to.
  • Warehouse: The warehouse that will be used for processing queries.
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6. After double-checking the information you've entered, click on the Submit button to finalize the connection. Kensu Hub will process your details and establish a connection to your Snowflake data source.

Configure the collector

1. Come back to the collector page.

2. Navigate to the Configuration panel. Within the kensu-hub-components-collector-dbt-core cell, click on Configure

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3. Click on the + icon. This action will generate a new configuration file.

4. You can now edit the configuration, by adding:

  • In the specified section, choose the appropriate Kensu and dbt_core_elementary_snowflake connections for this configuration. You can select the default Kensu connection or create your own. Do not select any other connection.
  • You can identify the collector by adding a specific identifier in the id field.
  • schema must refer to the Snowflake schema which contains the elementary data.
  • Finally, refer to the Snowflake account where the Elementary table is located in the snowflake_account field. This step is mandatory to ensure the proper functioning of the collector.
  • All the other fields can be left blank.
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5. Click on Submit All

Congratulations! You've successfully set up the collector. It will be activated shortly, and you will begin monitoring your dbt models.