Create and collect credentials
To do this, we need to register an application and allow it to have access to data factories, which is what is explained in the below steps.
1. From the Azure Portal, navigate to the App Registrations tool
2. Click New registration.

3. Type an id for the application, for instance kensu-collector-application
4. Click Register.

5. Click "Certificates & secrets"

6. Click New client secret.

7. Click the "Description" field.

8. Type a name for the secret, for instance kensu collector token
9. Click "Add"

10. Click "Home"

11. Go to "Data Factories" (you can search for the resource if not available in Home)

12. Got to the data factory(ies) you want to make data observable

13. Click "Access control (IAM)"

14. Click "Role assignments".

15. Click "Add".

16. Click "Add role assignment"

17. Click the "Search box" field.

18. Search for "Data Factory Contributor", "Reader" is sufficient for a usage without Circuit Breaker
19. Click "Data Factory Contributor" or "Reader"

20. Click "next".

21. Click "Select members"

22. Type the name of the application created at the beginning (e.g., kensu-collector-application)
23. Select it.

24. Click "Select"

25. Click Next.

26. Click "Review + assign"

27. We need several information available on Azure Portal to create the connection between Data Factory and Kensu. You will need:
- Application (Client) ID
- Directory (Tenant) ID
- Secret
- Subcription ID
28. Let's fetch the "Client ID" field. In Azure Portal [application page] - Click "Overview"

29. Click the copy icon next to "Application (client) ID"

30. Azure Portal [application page] - Click the copy icon next to "Directory (tenant) ID"

31. Azure Portal [application page] - Click "Certificates & secrets"

32. Click the copy button next to the created secret above.

33. Azure Portal [application page] - Click "Home"

34. Click "Subscriptions" (or Search for it)

35. Click on your subscription

36. Click the copy icon next to the "Subscription ID"

37. Once your credentials are collected, follow the instructions on Register Azure Data Factory Connection.