Power BI
These are the steps required to setup an Azure Service Principal:
- create app in App registrations in Azure
- create client secret, and make secure note of it
- create a group, and add the app principal to the group
⚠️ ❗ Note: As described in PowerBI docs, make sure not to add any of admin-consent required permissions to the principal, and this would make the service principal account not usable with PowerBI, and you would need to create a new service principal!
See these Azure/PowerBI docs for details:
In PowerBI Admin portal:
- Enable Allow service principals to use Power BI APIs
- Allow service principals to use read-only admin APIs
At the moment, these settings are also need to be enabled for the service principle (they allow to speedup metadata retrieval and simplify the collector, otherwise retrieval of some lineage information would be harder or even hardly possible):
- Enhance admin APIs responses with detailed metadata
- Enhance admin APIs responses with DAX and mashup expressions
- Service principals can use Fabric APIs
Note: you may need to wait up to 15 minutes after the creation of the app
Add either service principal, or the newly created group to each PowerBI workspace as Admin