
Snowflake Stored Procedures


The Kensu collector for Snowflake stored procedure is a powerful tool designed to enhance data observability in Snowflake environment. By collecting metadata from Stored procedures and Snowflake tables, it provides valuable insights into data lineage, schema changes, and metrics.

How It Works

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Step 1: Extraction of Snowflake Metadata

  • Query and Access History Analysis: The system taps into Snowflake's ACCOUNT_USAGE.query_history and ACCOUNT_USAGE.access_history tables to gather metadata related to the execution of stored procedures. This includes identifying which tables are used within these procedures, as well as capturing the input/output relationships among these tables, to construct a detailed lineage map.
  • Stored Procedure Identification: It identifies stored procedures being executed and extracts relevant execution details, including parameters, execution times, and outcomes.

Step 2: Extraction from Tables

  • Data Source Schema Extraction: For each table identified in the lineage of a stored procedure, the collector retrieves schema details, such as column names and data types. This helps in understanding the structure of data being manipulated.
  • Quality Metrics Collection: Alongside schema information, the system collects a range of quality metrics for the data sources involved. These metrics may include column-level statistics like null counts, unique value counts, and distribution summaries, providing a comprehensive view of data quality.

Step 3: Post Extraction

After collection, all observations—including lineage information, schema details, and quality metrics—are transmitted to Kensu Core, which will process and analyze the metadata to offer actionable insights, such as anomaly detection, data quality issues, and performance bottlenecks.